Whoever recites this surah Allah would keephim safe from falling a victim to hypocrisy.Whoever writes this surah on paper and keeps itin his headwear or on his body would be safe fromthieves; if there is a fire in neighbourhood nomisfortune would befall on him.The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: One who recites thisSurah, Allah would raise him on the Day of Judgment free ofhypocrisy. Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: One who recites Barat and Anfalevery month will never enter into hypocrisy ever, and he would be ofthe Shias of Amirul Momineen (a.s.), in the true sense. He would eaton the Day of Judgment from the table spreads of Paradise with the Shias of Ali (a.s.) till the people are free of accounting. One who fixes it in his business or in his headgear will be safefrom theft and fire.